Friday, August 17, 2007

Gift of Pain

My former roommate in college introduced this book Gift Of Pain to me a couple of years back. She mentioned some snippets from the chapters she read. She told me that every medical student should read this book.

I only got to read the book after I completed my A Levels. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It depicts the experiences of Dr Paul Brand in his life journey from a child of a missionary in India to becoming a renowned hand surgeon and leprosy expert. He relates many challenges while practising in the poor regions of India.

Read the book review here.

After reading this book, I came to realise the importance of pain in our lives. How ignorant some of us are when we just take pain killers to forget about the pain. Read the book yourself to find out the true gift of pain.

I recommend everyone to read this book. I have the book with me in Vista. I don't mind lending it to anyone. Just alert me. Even my former Malay housemate read that book out of interest. She was actually reading it during our A Levels exam period some more.

Title: Gift of Pain
Author: Dr Paul Brand, Philip Yancey
Publisher: Zondervan


Can such a place exist? It not only can—it does. But it’s no utopia. It’s a colony for leprosy patients: a world where people literally feel no pain, and reap horrifying consequences.

His work with leprosy patients in India and the United States convinced Dr. Paul Brand that pain truly is one of God’s great gifts to us. In this inspiring story of his fifty-year career as a healer, Dr. Brand probes the mystery of pain and reveals its importance. As an indicator that lets us know something is wrong, pain has a value that becomes clearest in its absence.

The Gift of Pain looks at what pain is and why we need it. Together, the renowned surgeon and award-winning writer Philip Yancey shed fresh light on a gift that none of us want and none of us can do without.

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