Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Kay Teck chopping chicken =)
Kenneth on the right
Michelle at the back

L-R: Michelle, Kenneth & Kay Tech buzy preparing food in the kitchen

The gathering (hullo Sean~!)

L-R: Richard, Kay Teck & Chris (and the food ^^yummie~)

~3 Musketeers???or Charlie's ANGELS (the guy version)~ XD

Our CG (we're one big family.I luv u all!!!*muax* =D )

The boyz~ and Me!!! ^^

The gurls~~ (and with 2 XYs at the back???) Haha^^

Guys....thank you so much.....

L-R: Troy & Chris

.....I don't know how to comment on this pix but I like it! XD

Sorry folks...I know this was quite some time ago but it's only recently I have the access to our CG blog. So here I am now posting few (outdated?) pix that I luv to share with you guys. Enjoy viewing!

p/s: Please teach me how to upload a video clip, anyone???

1 comment:

curryegg said...

Ahhh... You all are so lovely and sweet... Keep up the spirit for christ.. ;)