Tuesday, July 8, 2008

NO CG but there is OLR this weekend...


We won't be having CG again this friday, 11 July, as Pui Fun and I will not be around.

However, there is this 'One Life Revolution' exhibition going on in church. Admission if FREE. It started today and it'll be on until Sunday. On Sat and Sun, it's from 10 am to 10 pm. So we're suggesting that we go to church earlier and go for this exhibition before Celebration starts. Maybe can ask the bus to come at 3 instead of 3.30? What do you all think?

I myself am not very sure of what this OLR is about but i managed to get some information from Pui Fun since she's voluntering these few days. It's actually an exhibition to create awareness about AIDS. It's not the normal type of exhibition where you walk around look at pictures, facts, and figures and people come talk to you. The exhibition is done in a maze-like thing where you'll walk in it, look at the pictures, while listening to a naration using an MP3 player (have to be returned at the end ya...hehe).

There are 3 maze with 3 different true stories. They are about 3 children whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS. So, it is kind of like you putting yourself in the child's shoe, experiencing what he/she has experienced as a victim. Each maze will take you about 20 mins to complete. If u wish to go through the other 2 maze, just line up and wait for your turn again. All the three maze will end at a consultation clinic where you'll get a stamp.

As most of us are in the health care profession, i think this would be a good experience. Even if we're not, it'll still benefit us.

I need to get response from all of you (especially those taking the bus from Vista) on whether you are interested in going or not, by TOMORROW. Say maybe by 5 pm? We need to arrange for the bus to come if many are interested to go.

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