Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dream Centre

-where dreams become reality-

i know..


dats how i felt too when i first step into DC.
i'm still wowing..

The Move
-senior pastor Daniel Ho

Firstly, there is a need to focus upon God always, to be ever grateful and thankful to Him because of His gracious and wonderful provision for us as a church. Out of His abundant goodness He has entrusted us to be a steward for the place. What a great priviledge and a grave responsibility! If this first focus upon Him is shifted away, it would be a matter of time before we become enamoured with the place instead of the Person, the Lord Himself, and we would soon degenerate into something unhealthy.

Secondly, we must always keep in mind the purpose for which God has given us the Dream Centre. It is meant to be a platform to reach out, serve the community and to extend the Kingdom of God. The place is meant to be centred on others and God's Kingdom rather than ourselves. As a people of God, we exist for the community and for mission. Once we have lost the right focus, we would have lost the reason for our existence and that of the Dream Centre. May God forbid that this should ever happen.

Thirdly, it requires us to work together in unity; this is what Scripture underlines to us as "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). Inspite of this wonderful Centre that God is providing for us, we may have differences over all kinds of things; from the carpets to the chairs and the toilets to the temperature. Sometimes these differences can trip us over and we lose sight of the big picture. We must always keep in mind the purpose for which God has given us the Dream Centre and to constantly keep the main thing as the main thing. Otherwise we can get tangled up in our relationships and become useless for God. We must always be aware of the evil one who will always try to divide the Body of Christ and subvert the work of God so that the blessing of a good gift can later become a burden. We must all guard against the deceitefulness of the human heart. (cf. Jeremiah 17:9, 10). Not only must we be right-hearted and pure-hearted to overlook offences and to pull our weight so that we are contributing positively and effectively.

Finally, the pre-move, the move and the post-move and settling-in would require the whole church to be involved. Besides the crutial element of team unity, it requires great teamwork to ensure that the Centre would be set up and maintained well to fulfil its dream. What a joy and priviledge to have our footprints in the preparation of the place. May "The Move" be a God-exalting and faith-building experience for every one of us. May that place be one where multitudes of people in the nation and beyond discover their purpose for living and the incredible destiny that the wonderful Creator God has designed for them. May the Dream Centre be a place where dreams come alive to the glory of God and where shattered dreams can be rebuilt to the honour of His name! Hallelujah!


words to ponder: we are the church, not the building..

credits : pictures by Grace Tan

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